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1 y - Youtube

@3rrend CEO is feeling Sad
1 y

japa, japa here and there.
a lots of them leave the country and spent 6 yrs of their life b4 finding there feet. and some don't even find there feet at all. and those who finally did, could not even boasts of a reasonable project back home.

Oluwole oyeleke changed his profile picture
1 y


u get it?


latest headlines around Africa

Source, Aljazeera



Stay on top of Africa latest developments on the ground with Al Jazeera’s fact-based news, exclusive video footage, photos and updated maps.

Adventure in a cup: Share a photo of your favorite Tuesday beverage. Is it coffee, tea, or something else? #beverageadventure"

💡 Spark a lightbulb moment: Share a brilliant idea or innovation that could make the world better. #brightideas"

Tap into your culinary skills this Tuesday. What's your go-to recipe for a quick and delicious meal? #tastytuesday

Mix it up! Share a unique recipe or dish that combines unexpected ingredients. Let's get creative in the kitchen. #uniqueeats

Time for a quick poll! What's your favorite type of Tuesday treat – sweet or savory? Cast your vote! #tuesdaytreats"