full automatic hydraulic machine tapping type What do the various instructions represent? That's it!

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full automatic hydraulic machine tapping type What do the various instructions represent? That's it! This article can help you understand more knowledge of full automatic hydraulic machine tapping type instruction, so that you can operate more safely and conveniently.

1. M instruction (or auxiliary function)

The auxiliary function is expressed by the address word M and two digits. It is mainly used for the process instruction of the machine tool processing operation. It is characterized by the on and off of the relay to realize its control process.

Second, F instruction (feed function)

The F command represents the feed speed, which is expressed by 7 F and a number of numbers following it

1) Feed per minute (G94)

When the system encounters the F instruction after the execution of the G94 instruction, it considers that the unit of feed speed specified by F is m/m old or in/min, and has been valid until the system has executed a program segment containing G95, then 094 is denied, and G95 takes effect.

2) Feed per turn (G95)

If the system executes a program segment containing G95, the unit of feed speed specified by the 3lJ "instruction is mm/r or in/r. To cancel the G95 status, you must re-specify G94. Note: G94 and G95 are modal functions that can be mutually logged off, and G94 is the default value.

Three, T instruction (tool function)

The tool function is mainly used for the system to select various tools. It is represented by four digits under and after the address. Where the first digit is the selected tool number, and the last two digits are the selected tool offset number. The tool setting value must be cancelled after each tool is finished. Set the last two digits to "00" to cancel the tool bias value. For example:


N01 G92 X50 Z50

N02 M06 T0101: (Machining with "01" knife, tool offset "01")

N03 G00 G90 Z40: The tool offset can also be "02", then the T instruction should be: "T0102")

N04 G01 X40230 F100;

N05 G00 X50 Z50 T0100: (Cancel the offset of "01")

N06 M02

Note: 1, it is required to cancel the knife offset value in the absolute programming instruction segment

2. When canceling the offset value of the knife, there must be displacement in the direction of X and Z axes at the same time

Four, S instruction (spindle function)

The spindle function mainly represents the spindle rotation speed of 3 plus revolutions per minute, which is composed of S and the numbers following it. For example, S indicates the spindle speed with a blade.

full automatic hydraulic machine tapping type https://www.zjshuangzheng.com/How-can-we-choose-the-right-hydraulic-machine-manufacturer.html
