Aluminum foil for art and decoration

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Heavier aluminum foil for decoration, and crafts, especially in bright metallic colours.

Heavier aluminum foil for decoration, and crafts, especially in bright metallic colours. Metallic aluminium, normally silvery in colour, can be made to take on other colours through anodisation. Anodising creates an oxide layer on the aluminium surface that can accept coloured dyes or metallic salts, depending on the process used. In this way, aluminium is used to create an inexpensive gold foil that actually contains no gold, and many other bright metallic colours. These foils are sometimes used in distinctive packaging.
Our inventory of decorative metallic paper and aluminum foil paper, Both plain and colored high quality aluminum foil is available with or without paper backing to suit the unique needs of the florist's, crafter's or artist's purposes.
Florist aluminum foil also serves as a cosmetically pleasing and cost effective way to cover standard plant containers, and protect and contain the plant as it's transported.
Colorful origami foil adds even more eye catching appeal to the art of paper sculpting. Paper backing ensures a stable medium as the foil is folded and shaped. Origami foil works well for various displays, wrappings and art projects. Custom sized sheets, including the essential folding square, can be provided according to your specifications.
Embossing and art metal tooling aluminum foil is available for embossing and punching, and serves as a vivid medium for artists. Custom thicknesses, sizes and colors can be provided according to the unique requirements of the project.
Alloy :1235 /8011/8079
Temper : H12/H24/O
Width and length :according to your request
Core ID :76.2mm &152mm
Application: insulation aluminum foil / lidding aluminum foil /tag and lable aluminum foil / container aluminum foil / food and pharmaceutical packing foil / cigarette aluminum foil
